A framework for examining the dimensions and components of cyber security in smart banking


  • Jon Lendasce University of Colombia, Colombia Author


smart banking, cyber security, information security


Cyber ​​security is one of the most essential elements in banking today. Banks are not only responsible for their customers' assets but may also lose their credibility after a data breach. Unfortunately, banks are one of the biggest targets of cyber-attacks because they hold vast amounts of sensitive customer data that provide potential financial gain to hackers and criminals. Therefore, in the digital economy, cyber security is necessary to protect financial data, and its effectiveness in banks affects the safety of customer information. To improve the customer experience, innovative banking provides services on a digital platform using new technologies such as artificial intelligence. Considering the changes that have taken place and the transition to intelligent banking, it is essential to maintain the security and manage the risks of innovative banking. This article investigates the challenges, benefits, and threats of using intelligent technologies based on security in innovative banking.


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Original Research

How to Cite

A framework for examining the dimensions and components of cyber security in smart banking. (2024). Journal of Business and Future Economy, 1(1), 57-64. https://journals.iau.ae/index.php/JBFE/article/view/5