Examining the impact of innovation in the business model on corporate performance


  • Mahmonir Bayanati Faculty of Technology and Industrial Management, Department of Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Author
  • Mojtaba Tahavori Faculty of Business Management, Department of Management, Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Author


Business model, Innovation, Innovation in the business model, performance of companies


Business model innovation profoundly affects companies, industries, and markets. This research investigates innovation's functional consequences in companies' business models. From the point of view of the goal, this research is of applied type, and in terms of data collection, it is mixed research of qualitative and quantitative type. The main feature of mixed research methods is that they are influenced by two qualitative and quantitative methods categories. The current research was conducted to design the saffron business model, and 9 main questions of the study and the value proposition of the customers in two situations, the level of enjoyment and the level of importance, with the aim of the new business model, have been quantitatively raised and calculated and examined by the relevant tests. First, we examined the value offered by customers in two levels of importance, the priorities of which are risk reduction, innovation, and performance improvement; Price and cost reduction, accessibility, convenience/usability, design, brand, and complete work; and the degree of enjoyment that priorities are in order of complete work, convenience/usability, brand, accessibility, design, performance improvement, innovation, price and Cost reduction and customization of the components were selected, then the identification and ranking of the components of the business model from the expert's point of view was made qualitatively through the Delphi method. Value, business partners, customer communication system, distribution channel, deliverable value, cost structure, effective segmentation of customers, and revenue model were ranked after analyzing the results obtained from the ranking of business ecosystem components, high probability of success. The duration of an organization increases with the degree of accuracy and formality in testing strategic options through the business model.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Examining the impact of innovation in the business model on corporate performance. (2024). Journal of Business and Future Economy, 1(1), 25-37. https://journals.iau.ae/index.php/JBFE/article/view/2