Analyzing the structural fault model of cooperation dimensions in the supply chain (case study: SAIPA Automotive Group in Iran)


  • Amin Masoud Bakhshi Movahhed Ph.D. student, Department of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran Author
  • Esmaeil Mazroui Nasrabadi Assistant Professor of Management Group, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran Author
  • Zahra Sadeqi Arani Assistant Professor of Management Group, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran Author


SAIPA group, supply chain cooperation, interpretive structural model


The dynamics of supply chains are increasing in response to changing business and technology environments, and cooperation is considered one of the primary and critical factors for the success of modern supply chains. This research aims to identify essential dimensions in the implementation of supply chain cooperation so that by managing them, cooperation can be effectively implemented in the supply chain of Saipa Automotive Group. This research is quantitative and applied. The statistical population of this research consists of university professors with at least ten years of work experience using the judgmental sampling method, and the sample size is equal to 10 people. The data collection process uses a researcher-made questionnaire, and data analysis is performed using the interpretive structural modeling method. In this model, the alignment of motivation was identified as the most critical variable, and by sharing costs, risks, and benefits among colleagues, the concept of motivation can be applied among companies. Also, by defining the mechanisms that share the profit fairly and proportionally to the partners' investment, the flow of motivation in the automotive industry chain will be facilitated.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Analyzing the structural fault model of cooperation dimensions in the supply chain (case study: SAIPA Automotive Group in Iran). (2024). Journal of Business and Future Economy, 1(1), 38-48.